Immaculate Conception Church was first built as a mission in 1873. The parish was established in 1915. Today Immaculate Conception Parish is home to Roman Catholics in the Lancaster, Massachusetts community.
If you are new to our community, we hope you feel welcome here. If you are a visitor - we're glad you joined us! If you wish to become a member of our parish family, simply fill out a new member registration form and introduce yourself to Fr. Jim. Additional information will be provided at that time.
Our parish follows the guidelines of the National Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People approved by the U.S. Catholic Bishops and the policies of the Diocese of Worcester in screening those who work with children in our care and in helping victims of abuse find healing. Read more about our Safe Environment Practices.
Our AED (heart start) is available in the sacristy to the right of the door.
Several parishioners trained in Basic Life Support have been oriented to the unit.
The deadline for information to be submitted for the weekly bulletin is 10:00 AM of the previous Wednesday in writing or via email.
To arrange a Mass Intention, please send an email to [email protected]. Mass intentions are published online and in the weekly bulletin.