Dear Friends,
Soon we will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation. Many of us understand this Sacrament as the entrance rite into an adult life of faith. The church speaks of Confirmation, as being received into full communion with the Catholic Church and the true faith.
Foremost among the questions on the minds and hearts of many young people in this stage in their faith formation and religious education is, “what is God‘s plan for me?”
We make choices every day, and, while most might seem inconsequential, every decision contributes to future decisions and the development of our character and virtue.
We thank God for these young people, for their parents and grandparents and siblings and other extended family members and friends, who love them unconditionally, and for their religious education teachers who volunteered in fidelity and with great desire to bring each newly confirmed deeper in relationship with God.
On March 22-23, the Diocese will offer its annual vocations retreat. Perhaps some of the young men being confirmed are open to God‘s call to the priesthood or religious life. Perhaps some of the young women, as well, might investigate the call to religious life. Surely, many of these young people are called to holy marriages and families.
We pray for all who are discerning the gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially wisdom, and patience, that all will understand and accept their true vocation. Saint Francis of Assisi prayed, “All loving and glorious God, take the darkness from my eyes, and grant me a correct faith, a certain hope, and a perfect charity to know and do Your holy will. Amen”
In Christ,
Father Jim