Dear Friends,
After two years of preparation, I am receiving a certificate in Spiritual Direction in the Jesuit tradition from the Murphy School of Spirituality at Fairfield University. That is why I’m not at the parish this weekend.
So, what does being a Spiritual Director really mean in practical terms? A Spiritual Director is actually a companion to someone who is on their journey of growing in faith and in their relationship with God. The director acts as a facilitator for the other person who is in the process of discerning who God is in their life. The director would help by asking pertinent questions that would help the person to understand how to pray and to listen to God. Ultimately, it is a life long journey of growing and loving in the presence of God. It is along the way that we come to know and appreciate the presence of God in other people and come to love them as God loves them.
The training in this area consists of integrating various disciplines of prayer, theology, psychology, and faith development. Realizing that everyone is different and their journey is unique, the director must become versed in the many issues people face in a world that is increasingly complex and secular. The great question for us all is, “where is God in all this,” and it takes some help to be able to see the answers that are often right in front of us.
I have felt drawn to this ministry for a few years now. Completing this program is a new beginning as I enter into another chapter of my life as a priest and, hopefully, as a good friend of Jesus.
The Advent season is a great time to set aside a part of your day in quiet prayer to read or listen to the readings of the day and see what God has in store for you. I might recommend to you some apps that can be helpful. Give Us This Day, The Magnificat, and Pray As You Go, are some that come to mind and are very helpful as well as being timely.
Be well and hope to see you next week.
Fr. Michael