Every four years, the bishops of the United States have provided a document entitled Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship: A Call to Political Responsibility. In a series of statements, they remind us of our rich Catholic heritage of contributions to human dignity and justice for all people. The entire 64-page document is available online at usccb.org under “Issues and Action.”
The document also reiterates the role of the Church in forming consciences and the corresponding lifelong moral responsibility of every Catholic “to hear, receive, and act upon” the teachings of Jesus and His Church. Those teachings encompass human dignity, the common good, and the principles of solidarity and subsidiarity.
We will provide a series of six bulletin inserts which summarize Catholic social teaching on faithful citizenship. You will note that these materials are non-partisan and never refer to either a specific political party or a specific official or candidate for public office. The Church is and must remain non-partisan.
Additionally, we will provide voter registration forms at the church entrances. If you or an adult you know has not registered to vote, please provide him or her with a form. Thank you for your attention to the important matter of faithfully executing your right and responsibility to vote.