The I.C. Men's Club will be hosting the Italian Dining Night immediately after the 4:30 PM Mass. Tickets are $10.00 each. Dinner includes: pasta, meatballs, Italian sausage, salad, bread, and desserts. Tickets will be sold after Masses prior to the event. Raffles will be held. Come and enjoy a fun and fulfilling event. Take out is available. For more information, contact Gary Renczkowski at (978) 368-7101.
The I.C. Women's Club will be making their famous Apple Crisps again this year. Donations of apples are needed. Anyone looking to donate apples, please contact Debbie Renczkowski at (978) 368-7101. Please do not leave apples in the Church or Church Hall. Apple Crisps will be sold after each Mass on October 21 and 22 and at the Pasta Dinner. All Apple Crisps are $10.00. All Confirmation students are invited to help out the ICWC with this event and use the time towards their Community Service.