Dear Friends,
We find ourselves in the midst of the annual fundraising effort for the Diocese called “Partners in Charity.” These efforts fund more than 25 diocesan agencies, ministries and programs. You will find envelopes in the pews this weekend that will provide information regarding how you can make a gift if you have not already.
Your generosity to this program back in the late ‘90s made it possible for me to earn my Theology degree from St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore to prepare for priestly ordination. The same holds true for Fr. Julio’s studies in English in the U.S. and his completion of seminary in Baltimore.
These are just a couple of examples from only one of the agencies of our Diocese – the Office for Priestly Vocations. Other ministries funded include the Respect Life Office, Catholic Charities, Campus Ministry, Youth Ministry, and the Office of Marriage and Family.
Our parish goal for the past several years has been $38,000, and it remains the same this year. Presently, you have donated $7,820 towards this goal. Thank you! The campaign ends on the last day of August. It would be wonderful to meet and even surpass our goal for the first time in years.
Fr. Julio and I thank you for your extraordinary generosity in the past that helped us reach our very happy days of ordination, and we thank you in advance, for your future generosity that will touch many lives in our Diocese.