Dear Friends,
Over the next several days, we will do well to prepare our hearts to enter prayerfully into this year’s observance of Religious Freedom Week which begins on Saturday, June 22.
As we approach this special week, the Holy Spirit continues to give us the courage to bear witness to the truth of the Gospel at all times. We should always treasure the enormous importance of religious freedom in daily life. When a government protects the religious freedom of its citizenry, its people enjoy freedom against being forced into conforming to contradicting ideologies which would coerce a person to speak or act untruthfully or immorally.
Therefore, all governments should preserve the rights of people of different backgrounds, worldviews, and religions to act wholly according to their consciences. The Catholic Church calls the lay faithful to bring their faith to bear on all spheres of life. Whether we are praying, serving those in need, or working at our daily jobs, we are always Catholic striving to conform our lives to God’s will for us.
A nation which respects its religious institutions recognizes the Church’s right to carry out her mission to all people and in all places. For example, Christians for centuries have carried on the healing ministry of Jesus by building institutions dedicated to providing care of the body, mind, and soul while accompanying the sick and their families on their journey through this life. Governments that protect religious freedom should never force Catholic hospitals to perform procedures that destroy human life and undermine human dignity. This is contrary to the very essence of religious freedom.
Places of worship also should enjoy the protection by our government. The very nature of a sacred space is that it is set apart as a place to seek communion with the divine and thus should be treated with respect. In a pluralistic society, respect for sacred spaces is especially vital for the sake of civil peace, foundational to the common good. It is right and just to challenge and oppose any movements in the legislative, judicial, or executive branches of our government which seek to curb or restrict our religious freedoms.
Next weekend, we will include an insert in our bulletin that provides more food for thought on this important topic as well as recommended prayers to pray during this important week.