Immaculate Conception Parish is currently accepting applications for the position of Parish Secretary. This is a 15-hour position per week. Click message for more information.
Wednesday, November 1, is the Solemnity of All Saints, a holy day of obligation. Mass will be celebrated at 8:00 AM. There will be no 5:30 PM Mass as was previously announced. We apologize for any inconvenience.
It was wonderful to see so many people come to the Pasta Dinner last Saturday! Thanks to all those who worked to make it an enjoyable evening. The food was delicious and the desserts were very special, indeed. (click message for more)
At our last parish meeting I announced that our parish would retain its status as a parish and would not become a mission of another parish. The concern of many was that the parish would be closed. Let me reiterate, Immaculate Conception Parish will not be closed no matter what the financial situation happens to be. (click message for more)
This week I thought a little liturgical education might be in order. A few weeks ago, I put out the Holy Oils in the church. If you look to the right of the Baptism Font, you'll see a shelf that holds three jars, each containing what is called in Latin, "Olea Sacra” or Holy Oils. (click message for more)