As we continue to absorb and process all the financial and practical information from our last meeting, I pray that each of us is relying on the power of the Holy Spirit to guide us. With Mary as the intercessor "par excellence," we can only do well. (click message for more)
Join us for our Italian Dining Night on Saturday, October 21, immediately after the 4:30 PM Mass. The parish's famous Apple Crisps will also be sold at the Pasta Dinner and after each Mass that weekend. (click message for more)
This week I’m giving over my usual remarks to Eileen Erickson, who is leaving Immaculate Conception after 30 years as being the parish secretary. She has been the face of the parish, the first person people meet at the door or on the phone. (click message for more)
As you know, good communication is the best way to share information. If you have taken a look at the parish website lately, you’ll find information on upcoming events that will be taking place in our parish. (click message for more)
We will be having a Parish Meeting on Tuesday, September 19, at 7:00 PM in the Parish Hall. Everyone is invited, or rather urged, to attend this meeting. (click message for more)
Officially or unofficially, the days of summer are fading into the past as we move into the season of football and apple pies! Each season brings its own comforts and traditions that are unique to our wonderful New England! (click message for more)
It’s Labor Day weekend! Either we say that with some surprise or with inevitable resignation. The seasons change and if we are attentive to this process, perhaps each of us can take a look at the possibilities and opportunities for spiritual growth that are offered to us. (click message for more)