Beginning, Monday April 1, the 12:15pm weekday Mass reverts back to Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays only. During future seasons of Lent, Mass will be offered again all weekdays. Thank you for your presence throughout this season. Happy Easter!
Glorious Easter to you and your loved ones! God promised a Savior Who would open the gates of Heaven. That promise was fulfilled through a series of events from the Annunciation to the Incarnation and through the Passion to the Resurrection. The Savior is Jesus, God’s only begotten Son. Now, we celebrate new life in Jesus. Can there be anything greater than wanting eternal life for our families and friends? (click message for more)
Happy Palm Sunday! Yes, even as we give our attention to Jesus beginning the procession to His death, we have reason to celebrate and be happy. The prophet Zechariah (9:9) assures us that joy is appropriate. “Exult greatly, O daughter Zion! Shout for joy, O daughter Jerusalem! Behold: your King is coming to you, a just Savior is He, humble, and riding on a donkey.” (click message for more)
The World needs heroes. We need models of love and devotion, models of sacrifice and service. God, in His infinite love of us, gives us many such models. He gives us the Saints. (click message for more)
During the Season of Lent, we seek to grow in holiness and devote ourselves to the Lord more deeply through prayer; through the reading of Sacred Scripture; through charitable works; by giving alms; and by exercising self-control over our passions and appetites through fasting, penances, and sacrifices. (click message for more)
Soon we will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation. Many of us understand this Sacrament as the entrance rite into an adult life of faith. The church speaks of Confirmation, as being received into full communion with the Catholic Church and the true faith. (click message for more)