Although our love and care for our beloved dead is expressed each week at our parish in many ways through our funerals, Mass intentions, prayers of the faithful, devotions, private prayer, and cemetery visits, the month of November is set aside in a special way for prayers for the dead. (click message for more)
Every year during the month of November we are asked to pray for the dead in a special way.
Over the years I have invited families prayerfully to consider that if they possess the cremated remains of a loved one in their home, they now may now decide lay them to rest in St. John’s Cemetery. This is free of any costs on the Saturday following All Souls Day in November. Many have responded over the years and it has been a very positive experience. (click message for more)
On September 14th, Fr. Thiago will visit the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., for the dedication of the Oratory of Our Lady of Aparecida, which represents our Brazilian Community at Saint John’s. (click message for more)
High school graduation season in early June is an exciting time for our teens. It is accompanied often by national news stories of diplomas granted to senior citizens who for some reason or another missed their high school graduations many years ago.
Such a story came to light this past June when 100-year-old Ethel Nishimoto was surprised... (click message for more)
In New England, the seasons of Summer and Fall have always been a popular time to celebrate the holy Sacrament of Matrimony.
Sacred Scripture begins with the creation and union of man and woman and culminates with “the wedding feast of the Lamb.” (Rev 19:7,9) Marriage reflects the spousal love Jesus has for the Church. (click message for more)